Walk well, live better!
Podiatry center for athletes
I take care of my feet, I prevent situations
Sports podiatry
Athletes are a special class in their own right when it comes to limb care.
The increased pressure they exert on their limbs during training and sports activities results in greater strain on them.
Athletes' foot problems are varied and require appropriate care, for quick treatment of the problems and their return to competition.
The main problems of athlete's feet are fungi and injuries, but also all the other problems of non-athletes.
So, for this group of people, there are appropriate care steps so that the limbs "enjoy the health of limbs"!

see which package suits you best!
Charges and Offers
Single Appointment
30 - 50€
- Extraordinary appointments or those that are not repeated on a monthly basis, depending on the service, the fee will be from 30 to 50 euros.
Bring a friend
25 - 40€
- When appointments are booked for TWO then both have a 20% discount. Depending on the service, the fee is from 25 to 40 euros.
Monthly Appointment
25 - 40€
- Appointments that repeat on a monthly basis have a 20% discount. Depending on the service, the fee will be from 25 to 40 euros.
Foot problems?
we are specialized in solving problems that concern your feet