Walk well, live better!
Podology / Podiatry
I take care of my feet, I prevent situations
Treatment - care
We check the feet, soles and nails and try to identify any problems or ailments. A foot and sole massage using the right products will relieve you and make you forget about fatigue.
What exactly will you get with the treatment and care of your feet?
- podoscopy
- tread control
- nail control
- skin check for fungal infections
- nail check for fungal infections
- peeling
- removal of dead cells and hardenings
- foot and toe massage

Do you have calluses on your feet?
Treatment of calluses
Calluses of the feet are the formation of local induration on the feet. Calluses are created as a reaction (defense) when areas on our feet receive constant pressure and stress. They look like circular, hard lumps with a yellowish appearance. They are quite painful due to the pressure of the callus core on the nerves that cross the lower part of the skin.
Calluses and calluses can be caused by a number of reasons, including:
- pathological conditions (eg arthritis)
- injuries or damage
- standing - leg discomfort
- inappropriate footwear (high heels, narrow or wrong fitting)
Types of calluses / calluses
Calluses can appear both on the sole and at the joints or under the nail.
- Hard callus: usually forms on the surface of the sole of the foot and on the top or end of the toes.
- Soft callus calluses in between toes: They are quite painful. They are located between the toes, usually between the 4th and 5th toes, with a visible central core that results in pressing deep into the dermis causing pain and inflammation. This callus is white and soft due to the moist conditions between the toes.
- Vascular and neurovascular callus: Cases where blood vessels or nerves penetrate the sclerosis. It happens when the callus is present for a long time without treatment and is quite painful
- Unter nail callus: mainly occurs on the big toe in the nail groove under the nail. It is very painful and affects our daily life. The cause of the appearance of the subungual callus is the pressure that the nails receive from the wrong choice of shoes.
At the vimaplus podiatry center we successfully treat (treat) calluses/calluses painlessly and bloodlessly. After removing the callus completely, we look for the causes that create it and advise you on the appropriate changes. We may also perform a foot scan (Foot analysis) and if necessary, we will need to make special soles or supply you with various silicone preparations to reduce or pressure on the places where calluses / calluses are created.
Treatment for dry skin on the feet
Dry skin feet
Xeroderma of the soles is called the condition of the skin in which its surface layer (the stratum corneum) is unable to hold the water inside the skin and thus it is expelled in the form of water vapor. Of all the parts of the body, dry skin occurs most often on the feet.
Characteristic is the roughness and thickening of the skin of the soles, especially in the area of the heels where cracks occur due to excessive dryness.
Cracks are a portal of entry for microbes that can lead to foot inflammation. In dry skin, the concentration of the skin's natural moisturizing factors (urea, lactic acid) is reduced.
What causes Xeroderma?
Xeroderma of the soles is due to exogenous factors (cold, heat, low humidity, use of harsh soaps, etc.) but also to endogenous factors (diabetes, thyroid diseases, menopause, kidney failure, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and other pathological conditions. 15 to 20% of the population suffers from dry skin on the soles of the feet.
Treatment of dry feet.
Removal of dead skin for better absorption of moisturizing products.
Special foot products with high penetration to balance moisture.
Neglect is especially dangerous for diabetics.

The podiatrist is the specialist for
Hyperkeratosis is the thickening of the surface part of the skin called the stratum corneum. It is caused by the intense stress of the sole. Our feet receive a lot of pressure on a daily basis and for this reason their skin reacts to the constant pressure. It is a normal process which is characterized as the body's "defense" against the pressures it receives.
The reasons and factors of creation are many, such as:
- Systemic pressure on the points The weight
- Dehydration of the skin
- Heredity
- Celiopodia
- The flat foot
- Big toe
- Hammer thumb
- Gampsodactyly etc.
Hyperkeratosis has an irregular or flat shape with a hard texture. Due to the constant pressure and friction, the blood circulation increases which results in the growth of cells at the specific point and the appearance of a layer of hard skin.
We offer painless and targeted treatment by having the appropriate means. In severe hyperkeratosis, regular removal by a podiatrist and daily moisturizing with specialized creams rich in ingredients such as urea and salicylic acid is recommended. They are creams that help the skin maintain its natural elasticity. A visit to our podiatry center will ensure the health of your feet.
Come to our podiatry center to treat Onychogryposis
Onychogryposis (hypertrophy of the nail plate) is a disorder in the development of the nails, especially the two large ones, which causes, in addition to the aesthetic problem, pain when walking or cutting.
Onychogryposis can be caused by:
- hereditary causes
- nail injury
- eating disorders
- reduced blood circulation
- insufficient nail care
- chronic onychomycosis
Diabetes also increases the risk of onychogryposis.
It is quite common in elderly people.

When the nails grow on the toes come to the podiatrist
Onychocryptosis (ingrown nail) is a common pathological condition of the nails. It is mainly seen on the big toes and most often affects the ages 15-30, without being the norm. There is often inflammation and swelling. Causes of onychocryptosis
Onychocryptosis is a multifactorial condition, as two or more causes may co-exist.
The most common causes of ingrown toenails are:
- incorrect cutting of the nails hyperhidrosis of the fingers
- wearing inappropriate, tight shoes;
- finger injuries (especially during various sports)
- standing for long hours or walking for a long time
- poor hygiene and insufficient nail care
- hormonal changes (usually during puberty, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause)
- pathological
- nail shape
- various bacterial or fungal infections of the fingers or nails
- heredity
Treatment :
Treatment depends on the stage of onychomycosis. We check the affected area, examine the causes and start the treatment process, discharging the point. We have the knowledge, the right equipment and the means to successfully carry out the most difficult cases of onychomycosis treatment. We also possess the techniques to solve the problem of ingrown toenails, such as the B/S orthonail method.
IF YOU ARE DIABETIC please see about it here ▶️
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Charges and Offers
Single Appointment
- Extraordinary appointments or those that are not repeated on a monthly basis, depending on the service, the fee will be from 30 to 50 euros.
Bring a friend
- When appointments are booked for TWO then both have a 20% discount. Depending on the service, the fee is from 25 to 40 euros.
Monthly Appointment
- Appointments that repeat on a monthly basis have a 20% discount. Depending on the service, the fee will be from 25 to 40 euros.
Foot problems?
we are specialized in solving problems that concern your feet